Our Story

Growing up on a farm, Mike longed to have his own place. He started his journey back to farming by collecting Farmall tractors. Antiques, to be specific. He had quite a collection, which became problematic because of where to store them. So it became more prevalent that we should have our own farm so that he could keep his tractors out there and, of course, have the tools to maintain the land. The purchase of the Snickersville Turnpike property was a dream come true.

The barn was part of the parcel. We took a hand at doing events but quickly learned that was not our gift. So we investigated how to get the farm into farm status, which we quickly learned required that we grow something. We gave a stab at hops, but the following year, blight took most of the crops away. After a bit of research, Mike came upon something he dearly loved and thought he could get into: Christmas trees! In 2016, we began the planting journey. This may seem simple, but it requires much engineering. Laying out the land, prepping the ground, planting, fertilizing, watering, spraying, pruning, and then the mowing begins! Fence building became part of the journey as the deer decided to enjoy our young trees. After eight years, we are ready to open to the public to have everyone enjoy the fruits of our labor.